Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby it's cold outside

Been in the 60s for about a week now. Time to move south again! I was hoping to get my white fuzzy material finished for the polar bear not sure now if I will have time. Had grandchildren this weekend so no time for weaving there.... I need to get on a better weaving schedule. Have decreased my Facebook time but seems like something else always comes up to delay or postpone my time at the looms. Did find some nice shiny blue yarn for some scarves I have on the loom down south that combined with some shinny thread will work nicely for that project. They are deflected double weave scarves in purples and blues.Two looms are naked oh no! The Norwood up here is going to stay that way until next summer, thought it was moving south but there won't be any room for it. The baby wolf is going to get warped when I return south maybe more scarves??

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I will wear purple and weave!

Love this quote from Handwoven Weaving Today "... One older woman came up, with aid of her walker, and watched us intently. I asked, "Do you weave?" She answered, "Till the day I die." None of us could have said it better." that will be me with the walker!  Bought my Dobby loom in anticipation so I won't have to crawl under the loom to tie up treadles.

Grandkids were here over the week end. Allie needed to sit with me while I wove and pull the beater back. Both girls are interested in weaving, guess it skipped a generation. This warp is finicky or I would have let her do more, With my jerry Rigged system on it. It helped a lot to have her help, I could go to the back of the loom when she pulled the beater back and added a metal bar for weight and the selvedges are much better. Then we had the youngest grand child for a night and day, he was really good without the others influence I guess.

Not sure if I can get this warp woven off before we leave for NC. There is no room in the van for the loom I know this. Oh well. One poor offer on the house. Will have to try again next summer. 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jerry rigged weaving again.. or is that Lois Rigged?

Darn got all done winding, threading, sleying the loom, many inches woven and found that a bout of warp had fallen off the warping board I had them hanging on.. Was wondering why it turned out to be only 15 inches wide when I'd planned for 17 inches. I sleyed then threaded, front to back and wound it on toilet paper tubes Thank goodness i'ts only 3 yards or I would haven't tried it. Put the tubes on the spool rack with weights and finally large hair clips In the front I wove a dowel stick in to tie the warp on..So far so good the selvedge on the right is a bit wonky but that will be cut off anyway when I make the polar bear. Picture is before! I think the camera is going to be put away until it is off the loom. lol.