Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer fiber fun.

Finished this lace knit shawl just this past week. Have a second one on the needles too! I love to knit lace. No boredom with this project.

                                                This is the new weaving project some mug rugs.    

This is the warping wheel my husband Dave made for me so I can sit and warp. So much easier and it makes it possible for me to warp with my health problems. I dyed  the variegated yarn on the outer part of the mug rugs. They are usually a fun and easy project.

 I forget from one warping to the next how much I like using the Norwood looms
Wish they were still making them! I would love a wide 50" 8 Harness Norwood.
Add that to the loom wish list lol. Once you have wound onto the back beam and
 it is ready to thread you unbolt the  four side supports.The front and back beam 
move so it is real easy to get in there and thread. I had the threading bench from 
when I had a workshop Norwood and kept it for threading it is a great hight for 
threading. I'm up here in Michigan without any of my tools, Did this last summer 
and darn if I didn't do it again! Threading is simple without, I'll use a comb to
sley the reed. LOL