Friday, November 26, 2010

Polar bear construction, sewing fun

First Polar Bear!
I've been sewing! The first one resembles a polar bear! lol. I'm sure they will all have their own personalities. The fabric was woven over the summer on my rug loom as it needed a heavy beat to weave. The most fun part is attaching the leather feet and ears! The construction was like a puzzle to figure out. The last two bears are put together better than the first. Now to finish sewing the feet, stuffing and embroidering the faces.

This is the sewing machine raiser my DH, sweetie that he is, made. It sits on an old antique school sewing desk. That our late friend Pee Wee LaRue had and gave to us.  An OT suggested it to decrease my neck and back pain. It works great! Another great tool I found is to cut that clear tubing they have a Lowes or Home Depot, put a slit in the cut piece and it fits around your sewing bobbins. It keeps those ends from tangling with all the others and becoming a mess. Are those threads trying to mate or what??