Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not UFO's finished towels!

This towel was done using Alice Schlein's new book "The Liftplan Connection" it's my favorite of the two I wove using that method.  The 2nd picture is the front and back it was hard to decide which to use they were both kinda kewl!

This is Spiderballons I left the Warpology weaving on it so I could remember what not to do! lol

These are my Plaited twill designed towel from Bonnie Inouye's book "Exploring Multishaft Design"  didn't realize as I was weaving that the warp floats on the front would be weft floats on the back, Should make a very absorbent towel. The last pictures are from the same book, my designs. Actually it was the first towel woven! It's another plaited twill. I used this book in the past and the weaving was done as samples this time I wanted something to show for all that weaving and I need new towels!

 The picture below shows the back and front of the Towel again very hard to decide which side was best asked my husband and he couldn't decide either! 

This blog worked it got me inspired to start weaving and beading again. Two beading projects are also in the works. We have only one more month to go here in NC and I can't decide if I want to start another project on the loom or not. Get started then have to leave it to go back up north again. Pray the house sells!!