Friday, January 29, 2010

Winding on Warp, cat help

This is my latest sectional warping method without the bobbins and sectional rack. I wind it on a Warping mill then transfer it and beam it on the back beam. For fine threads back to front has a lot less tangles and I use small  bouts.  A picture of my helper cat too. He likes to get up there and knock off everything that is up there you should see my floor! He also likes to sit on the Dobby box and look out the window.

1 comment:

  1. Good timing on this, thanks! I've got a new to me 8 harnass that has a sectional and I've been wondering how best to warp it but didn't want to wind up 32 bobbins of green and everyother color in the 8 color strip pattern! I wound it on a warping board and it sits there waiting for me to have the courage to dress it front to back....V
