Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rug finished!

I like the colors on this rug. Made a happy accident at the end and just left it in. Next rug I may use the accident for designing.... Have completed a lot of weaving this summer. The place mats and now the rug. Next is a warp in white for material for a polar bear pattern is from a neat little book called: " Weaving a Zoo" by Amy Preckshot. It needs a heavy beat so the Glimakra will be perfect for the project. Warp is wound just need to wind on, thread and sley. So muggy here.. Have another open house on Friday so much of my time will be taken up with cleaning again.  If I could just spend more time weaving and less on this computer?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Weaving progress

Place mat warp is all done. Can't finish them until I get back down south. So sad, lol not. When I put the white in the warp I was wondering what would happen with it when it got woven. The first samples were not good, white was in there too much so I resleyed a total of three times ended up with the version above. With these summer and winter texture patterns it peeks out and turned out really cool.

Back at work on the rug, it is at the end where I had to add on warp, ends broken and the tension is wacky in places oh well more than half finished. Then on to weave polar bear fabric.....